Defending against phishing

Welcome to the Smartdesc February newsletter. This month we focus on how charities can protect themselves against phishing attacks and offer the following resources: Guides on common charity cyber attacks and measures you can take to prevent them Phishing Simulation Service and Cyber Security e-Learning, tailored to charities Further resources from EasyDMARC and Charity Finance Resources…

Person looking at a computer screen.

Phishing for Finance: Why Cyber Attackers love charity finance teams

Email is not secure  91% of all cyber attacks begin with email.  Despite all the advances in cyber defence, good old-fashioned email still provides an open door for attackers to knock on. Email is your biggest security risk by a long way.  Finance staff frequently use email and they deal with money on a daily…

Report from Smartdesc and Falanx on the cyber risks to charities - Smartdesc

Report from Smartdesc and Falanx on the cyber risks to charities

Charities are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals. According to the Cyber Security Breaches Report 2022, 19% of charities reported they had been attacked in 2018. This has now risen to 30% of charities reporting attacks in 2022. But why are charities targeted? And what can they do to mitigate against cyber threats and reputational…